Sunday, June 7, 2015

Westboro Baptist Church is Picketing My Old Church Today

Westboro is not a Christian Church

So Westboro Baptist Church is picketing my old church today. I was planning to go, but my parents decided that it wasn't the best idea. My dad was worried that he wouldn't be able to control himself, and would end up getting into a fight. He's not exactly in favor of gay rights either, but he hates Westboro for their stance on the American military. 

The reason that Westboro is picketing another Baptist church is so ridiculous that when I first heard about it, I thought it was a joke. They were upset because Idlewild Baptist Church believes that God loves everyone. Wow. How dare they say that the creator God actually LOVES his creation? That he *gasp* made them the way they are for a reason!?! 

Westboro is one of the reasons that I no longer go to a Baptist church. When people hear Baptist, they think racism, homophobia, blind belief, and complete ignorance. The message of the Bible is love, acceptance, peace, and caring for others. 

The God I profess is not a giant judge in the sky, nor is he a blind belief handed down from my parents. He is a message of hope and peace and love to the world, and that some stupid, revolting, hatemongering cult could actually cast judgement on people in the name of MY God is sickening. Sickening! So, please remember that just as most Muslims are not terrorists, and Islam is not an evil religion, please also keep in mind that not all Christians are bigots who bomb abortion clinics and damn everyone to hell who's different from them.

Christians are not, by and large, bigots, hateful, or ignorant. I am a Christian, unashamedly, and I am a gay rights supporter, I am a feminist, I am not in a cult, and I do not hate people who disagree with me. I am also intelligent, and I'm not afraid of being proven wrong. I know what I believe and why I believe it, and I do not hold myself above anyone else for it. I am a Christian, and I am not ashamed.

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